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Resources for other platform developers (Windows Store apps)


Do you develop apps for platforms like iOS, Windows Phone, Android, or the web? If so, you can use the info throughout this section to take your existing app development skills and start applying them to developing great apps for Windows 8. Why should you build apps for Windows 8? Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Target millions more devices and users for your apps. You can code once and have a great app experience that scales across millions of devices from tablets to all-in-one PCs, from 10" to 27" screen sizes.
  • Choose from several supported programming languages, technologies, and standards—some of which you may already know. Windows 8 lets you build Windows Store apps using a variety of programming languages. You can program your apps using C#, C++, or Microsoft Visual Basic, while using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) to declaratively describe the user interface. Or you can build apps using web technologies like HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3), and JavaScript. Developers looking for the best possible performance on Windows 8 can use Microsoft DirectX with C++.

In this section

Topic Description

Modern user interface

Make the most of the new Windows 8 user interface to create rich, engaging apps.

Languages, tools and frameworks

Building a Windows Store app and wondering where to start? With C++, C#, JavaScript and a huge range of libraries to choose from, the answer is "wherever you want!"

Writing games for Windows

Move your games to Windows 8, and enjoy state-of-the-art graphics and a lot more.

Latest APIs and technologies

Impress your Windows app users (and yourself) with the latest features in Windows 8.1.

The Windows Store and app certification

Certify your app in the Windows Store to share it with the world and reap the benefits.

Videos for iOS and Android devs

Watch and learn with these videos created especially for iOS and Android developers.

Resources for iOS developers (Windows Store apps)

Apply your existing iOS app development skills toward developing great apps for Windows 8.

Resources for Windows Phone developers

Apply your existing Windows Phone app development skills toward developing great apps for Windows 8.

Resources for Android developers

Apply your existing Android app development skills toward developing great apps for Windows 8.

Resources for web developers

Apply your existing web development skills toward developing great apps for Windows 8.

Resources for WPF or Silverlight developers

If you've previously created Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) or Microsoft Silverlight app, you can create similar Windows Store apps and use many of the same techniques and skills, including using XAML for UI and C# or Visual Basic for code.


Developer audience

The info throughout this section is intended for developers who are creating apps for platforms like iOS, Windows Phone, Android, or the web, and who want to create similar Windows Store apps for Windows 8. To learn more, click one of the links in the preceding section.

Run-time requirements

To successfully start creating Windows Store apps, you'll need the following at a minimum:

For everyone

Meet Windows Store apps

Windows Store app development: the basics

Windows 8 Product Guide for Developers

Windows 8.1 Feature Guide for Developers

For developers

Develop Windows Store apps using Visual Studio

Windows Dev Camps

Windows Store App Labs

For designers and developers

Download design assets for Windows Store apps



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Build date: 11/13/2013